What is Chunking?

The chunking method in manufacturing involves breaking down a complex process or product into smaller, manageable sections or "chunks." By utilizing the chunking method, Blox streamlines production, increases adaptability, and reduces complexity, leading to more efficient and reliable operations.


Ford made cars, one piece at a time on an assembly line with interchangeable parts. It was the beginning of a brilliant Industrial Revolution. Fast forward, 1990s Boeing used a concept of chunking, which takes the Dreamliner, the most complex airplane in the world, and breaks it up into about 20 chunks, and it's made in about 10 countries. And each one of those chunks is the largest thing that you can transport. They develop their own transportation just to make these things go. They're huge. And they're not a single trade that is being shipped. It's not a wiring harness or a steel package. It is an integrated hull, and each one of those then goes to Charleston, South Carolina, where those pieces are put together to create the Dreamliner.

We are using chunking. So our chunk is an Uber module. It's 15 feet wide, 15 feet tall, 60 feet long, chock full of the most complex things that you can imagine in a hospital. Now, imagine that all day these lines are producing Uber after Uber. All of these pieces are made in such a way that we could take truck after truck, hundreds of Uber modules and put those together for the very first time, unwrap them and assemble them with an assurance that it'll work. It's a beautiful thing.