Build an Industry. Do the Unthinkable.
We did more than simply re-imagine how the industry could be different. We re-engineered the process to continuously refine and improve the way buildings are delivered.
DMC is our symbiotic, rapidly-iterative method that weaves together every part of the process.
We invented a building delivery system, DesignManufactureConstruct™ to help us do more with less. At its simplest, DMC teaches designers how to leverage manufacturing to simplify construction so that better buildings can be delivered faster with less waste. Going deeper, the DMC_OS defines and regulates the ecosystem supporting the new industry. Its foundation is a good design, a shared purpose, and a common language. On top of this, we add Design Standards, Interface Standards, Platform Standards, Processes, Assembly Lines, Supply Chains, Contracts, Information Flows, Digital and Analog Systems, and a brilliant staff, all working together to efficiently manage the complexity of delivering modern buildings 2x2x2.
Design is the foundation of DMC and Blox’s native language. Blox was created by a team of architects who designed elegant solutions to complex problems for more than fifty years. Today, Blox incorporates design thinking into everything we craft, while also working side-by-side in the factory to design beautiful buildings and manufacturing the solutions that make them a reality.
Using manufacturing productivity to improve quality and speed of delivery is a simple strategy – but difficult to implement. Our plant in Bessemer has over a million square feet of production space under crane and an onsite intermodal that connects us to every rail, truck and port in North America. Using lean manufacturing-inspired techniques, Blox runs twelve manufacturing lines and produces the Blox System of nested parts used to make better buildings faster.
DMC takes a critical mass of a building and manufactures it in a factory – the result is a less congested job site and with that, an opportunity to improve traditional work flows. A Blox job site works to be an extension of our manufacturing flow – our field work is organized around standard work packages, standard containerized tools and flat-packed kit-of-parts. Our construction team is a cross-functional team of architects, manufacturers and tradesmen trained to operate like a Formula One pit crew.
DMC incorporates the concept of "chunking," a manufacturing strategy employed by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to streamline production. In this approach, the OEM designs and engineers a product, such as an airplane, in a way that allows it to be divided into significant sections, such as wings, center fuselage, and cockpit. These sections can be manufactured separately, in multiple plants, and then transported to be assembled by the OEM into the final product. While the concept of chunking presents unique challenges, ensuring seamless integration is the key. Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner is the most famous example of this process, but it is common practice in automotive, ship building, and electronics.
Our version
We identify market demand for a program and leverage our in-house design and engineering team to craft the building using our platform, capturing it within a Building Information Model (BIM). Our innovative approach involves organizing the BIM into manageable "chunks" known as "ubers." Each uber consists of nested modules, assemblies, panels, subassemblies, components, parts, and raw materials.
The uber modules are assembled on a production line, wrapped and shipped to the jobsite where they are lifted by crane and placed on foundations. Once the modules are installed, they are stitched into a completed building and turned over to the owner.

Building a DMC Ecosystem
The manufacturing process of OEMs and tiered suppliers necessitates collaboration. OEMs design and engineer the product, while Tier 1 suppliers provide major components and systems, and Tier 2 suppliers provide sub-components and specialized parts. For ten years, out of necessity, Blox played all the roles in the new DMC ecosystem – OEM, Tier 1, Tier 2… simply, there was no one else to help. While not scalable, it helped us develop a deep understanding of the connections between design, engineering, manufacturing, logistics and field construction. With this understanding and a growing backlog of aggregated demand, we are working to expand the DMC ecosystem to include other companies, so, if you are an architect, engineer, manufacturer, supplier, contractor and are interested in becoming part of DMC, contact us here.

How it Works.
To fully comprehend the DMC process, you must first understand the inherent inefficiencies in the current construction model – a system that hasn’t evolved in more than 75 years.